Category: Features

Cool comfort

Federico Tartarini is Senior Research Associate at the Heat & Health Research Incubator, Faculty of Medicine and Health, at the University of Sydney. And soon he’ll be starting a new position as a Sydney Horizon Fellow, Senior Lecturer at the School of Architecture, Design, and Planning, also at Unisyd.

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Courting expansion

Playing predominantly out of MyState Bank Arena in Hobart, the Tasmania JackJumpers have, in just two seasons, quickly become one of the National Basketball League’s premier teams. Sean McGowan reports on the award-winning redevelopment of the venue, which took place ahead of the team’s debut in late 2021.

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Cool for school

Effective learning spaces that maintain optimum indoor environmental quality and inspire students to learn form a critical component of educating our youth. As part of the i-Hub initiative, a collective of designers, engineers and architects explored how integrated design might benefit ACT schools.

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Capital improvement

Capital improvement

AIRAH’s APER has been approved to register engineers in the ACT.

Fan forum

Fan forum

Returning to Sydney for the first time since 2018, ARBS 2024 once again was a meeting point for the HVAC&R industry, writes Matt Dillon.

Donga danger

Donga danger

Much has been made of the poor ventilation in Australian classrooms, but the situation is even more dire for thousands of mining, construction and agriculture workers. Mark Vender investigates.

Viva la resolution

Viva la resolution

Professor Gayle Avery explores the most effective methods for resolving conflict.

Deep impact

Deep impact

What are the big, overarching global influences that we are likely to see in the built environment, and particular in HVAC&R, in the lead-up to 2050?

Q&A: Tim Edwards, Affil.AIRAH

Q&A: Tim Edwards, Affil.AIRAH

We catch up with the Head of Sales for Graphene, which earned the Product Excellence HVAC Award at ARBS 2024.

