Jo Kieboom, M.AIRAH

Jo Kieboom, M.AIRAH

Jo Kieboom, M.AIRAH, is Senior Engineer Ecological Sustainability for the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics – Northern Territory government.


Sustainable buildings – policy, program and project development and management.


Reducing the carbon footprint of existing and new buildings.

How have you coped with COVID-19?

We have been so lucky in the Northern Territory to date, with only a few short lockdowns. But I worry about our Aboriginal people, and am hopeful that remote community vaccination rates will continue increasing. 

Professionally, COVID-19 has resulted in exponential growth of online professional development opportunities, which is fantastic for those of us in the regions. 

I also haven’t seen my Melbourne-based sister for 18 months. I miss her and it’s been tough watching her live through Melbourne’s long lockdowns – lucky we’re made of tough stock!

What do you like about your job?

The work is extremely diverse, and I never stop learning. Also, how inter-disciplinary it is, and that I get to collaborate with a wide range of people.


Insufficient recognition of, and resources to do justice to, the cost-effective carbon-reduction opportunities offered by energy efficiency. It seems everyone is getting excited about reducing the carbon intensity of electricity, fully electric buildings, and embodied carbon. While these are of course important, there is still so much to do to reduce and avoid energy waste as well as demand management.

What would like, but don’t have?

A magic wand, more resources and less hurdles/barriers.

Reasons for optimism

That we now have commitments to net zero emissions at all levels of government. Some of our trading partners will be holding us to account, and Australian governments are turning their attention to resourcing transition plans for fossil fuel-dependent regions.

Building on success

Building on success

The NABERS/CBD Conference was an opportunity to celebrate 25 years of Australia’s building ratings system – and to look to the next quarter century.

The life aquatic – and beyond

The life aquatic – and beyond

Ambitious sustainable targets have been set by the host nation for the Paris 2024 Olympics to reduce the Games’ carbon footprint by half.

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Armstrong Fluid Technology introduces DEPM pumps 

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Atomic habits 

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