Clinical combination

Clinical combination

One question that has generated debate in clinical settings is whether UV disinfection contributes to health outcomes when added to existing HEPA filtration systems.

UV specialist Sanuvox – whose products are distributed in Australia via Opira – has highlighted a study published in Surgery of about 1,000 patients in a US hospital exposed to UV+HEPA, and HEPA-only air treatment. The company says the study goes some way to demonstrating UV’s air disinfection claims, finding statistically significant improvements pathogen levels and patient outcomes in the UV+HEPA-treated hospital zones. 

The study noted more than a 90 per cent reduction in airborne and surface pathogen levels in UV-treated zones compared to non-UV-treated zones; a 40 per cent reduction in hospital length of stay in the hospital for patients occupying UV-treated zones compared to non-UV-treated zones; and a 20 per cent reduction in hospital charges incurred by patients in the UV+HEPA-treated areas. 

“The results add support to the decision of many healthcare facilities to install UV air disinfection systems in their buildings,” says Sanuvox. “These include the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Ipswich Hospital and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research.” 

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