Fan and motor manufacturer ebm-papst has launched a sensor-based and performance-driven indoor air quality standard and certification program called Reset.
“Indoor air quality is continuously changing and not obviously detected by human senses,” says the company. “IAQ changes throughout the life of a building on a daily and hourly basis through the HVAC system, occupant activity and a changing environment. And even though the impacts of indoor air quality on health, wellbeing and productivity are understood and can be significant, a deterioration of IAQ is often undetected.”
The company says Reset collects data via constant monitoring and cloud technology and requires the measured data to be displayed to the occupants. It provides actionable data to help protect the health of the occupants in real time.
“Reset Air certification provides a tangible return on investment for offices and property owners,” says ebm-papst. “For offices, Reset Air not only enables healthier spaces, but also more productive spaces. For property owners, Reset Air empowers the communication of healthier, more productive buildings to prospective tenants.”
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