New smarts from Testo

New smarts from Testo

Testo has launched a new digital manifold, designed to detect and highlight system anomalies through long-term measurements and smart diagnosis.

“For long-term measurements, error analysis is often time-consuming, and yet anomalies frequently remain undetected,” says Testo.

“This is exactly what is different with new testo 570s. The Smart App takes over the analysis and reliably finds the anomalies from large amounts of data. This not only ensures that nothing is overlooked, but also saves a considerable amount of time. In addition, the extremely large data memory guarantees maximum data security.”

The manifold has been designed to offer new advantages for standard measurements. The hybrid system of rechargeable battery and standard battery enables what the company describes as a “world first” runtime of 360 hours.

Testo says reliable results can be obtained for systems operating at low pressure.

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Eco Aug-Sept

This article appears in ecolibrium’s AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2023 issue

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