Joel Seagren, M.AIRAH

Joel Seagren, M.AIRAH

Ecolibrium breaks bread with Fantech’s National MVHR (HRV) Solutions Engineer.


Ventilation solutions for high-performance projects such as Passive House.


Working with other passionate people. We’re all naturally drawn to those people that have a spring in their step. Recreationally, my passion has in recent years has become mountain biking. Not too many scars to show for it yet.


The pandemic has been tough on everybody in terms of isolation. Being out of range of local mountain bike parks was distressing (I know … a serious First World problem). Yet the pandemic has forced the world to re-evaluate many standard practices, and we’re starting to see some benefits come from this.

What do you like about your job?

Working with other passionate people in a field that is relatively new and dynamic. Enough autonomy to get myself into trouble but hopefully the commonsense and experience to avoid it.


Supply chains at the moment like everyone else! The biggest challenge is resistance to change. We are seeing this play out in many ways including climate change politics and NCC improvements. Once you’ve got a big enough ‘why’ figured out it, the ‘how’ starts to fall into place quickly

What would like, but don’t have?

More time, which I’d guess is a pretty common feeling for many in our industry. That means use it – time – wisely and be respectful of other’s time.

Reasons for optimism

Most things. It’s hard not to be in a country like Australia. We’ve been a bit slow out of the blocks on a few important national issues, but the troops are growing and ratcheting up the pressure for needed change.

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