Author: Shahzuma Warakhwala

Critical mass

Critical mass

According to CSIRO, storage of renewable energy is essential to ensure access to secure, reliable and affordable energy as Australia transitions to net zero by 2050. Part of that mix could be thermal energy storage (TES), a concept well established in the HVAC&R...

Cool customer

Cool customer

Adelaide-based Michael Riese, M.AIRAH, has joined the AIRAH board. Following a vote at the Institute’s annual Convention, Dr Michael Riese, M.AIRAH, has officially joined AIRAH’s national board.  Originally from Germany and now based in Adelaide, Riese works for...

Lifetime Efficiency

Lifetime Efficiency

Professor Tony Arnel has been honoured with a Life Fellowship from the Energy Efficiency Council.   The Life Fellowship, announced at the National Energy Efficiency Council Awards on Wednesday 24 May 2023, was established in 2017 to recognise the outstanding...

Tanks a lot, Dwyer

Tanks a lot, Dwyer

Dwyer Instruments has announced an innovation in the Omega HANI (high accuracy, non-invasive) temperature sensing line of products: HANI temperature sensors for metal tank applications.  Unlike invasive models, HANI tank sensors mount to the outside of a metal tank...

Air of authority

Air of authority

With the release of a fast-tracked pathogen mitigation standard and updates to advice on building ventilation from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the US seems to be taking the lead on indoor air quality. Ecolibrium asked three local experts for their views....

