Category: Industry eye

Seeking star performers

Seeking star performers

Awards, celebrating distinguished contributions in Australia’s HVAC&R and building services sector. Awards are handed out in six categories: young achiever, product excellence, software/digital excellence, project excellence, outstanding industry...

Red revolution

Red revolution

M3 Melbourne is one of two data centres in the Victorian capital that are set to house Australia’s largest and most comprehensive cloud ecosystem. Constructed by Kapitol Group, M3 Melbourne, a 100,000m² data centre in West Footscray, and M2 Melbourne, a 16,000m² data...

The heat is on

The heat is on

An El Niño weather event has been declared, amid realisation that 2023 appears likely to be the hottest year on record. Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology has formally declared an El Niño weather event, meaning one is under way for the first time in eight years. El...

One smart building, please

One smart building, please

Desiring to use actionable data from our buildings is undoubtedly a good thing. To effectively do this, however, defining terms and allocating responsibility for tasks is essential – especially when the “smarts” from our edifices exist in the space between systems.

Powering a smarter future

Powering a smarter future

What role does data play in the electrification of buildings? With a focus on machine learning, artificial intelligence and the interaction with the electricity grid, a panel at AIRAH’s recent Building Date Forum explored this fascinating topic.

Next-level protection 

Next-level protection 

In 2016 Reliable Controls released RC-RemoteAccess, a BACnet virtual private network (B/VPN) software solution designed to harden BACnet building automation networks and protect them from malicious actors.   “Not only did it protect systems from threats, but also it...

