Technical papers

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Computational fluid dynamics modelling of ventilation in road tunnels: enhancing air quality and safety

Ventilation units within vehicle tunnels play a pivotal role in ensuring safety and optimal air quality for
occupants. These units are used to assist with propelling air from one end to the opposite end of the tunnel.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has emerged as an invaluable design tool for engineers and stakeholders,
offering simulated insights and data to optimise safety and efficiency in tunnel projects. This paper
emphasises the advantages of CFD for road tunnel ventilation design, showcases a case study involving
impulse fans, and highlights the positive effects on project costs and overall tunnel ventilation performance.

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Development of a whole-house energy rating tool for new housing

In 2019, Australian energy ministers agreed on the need for the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings (the Trajectory). One of the key aspects in the Trajectory for residential buildings is to expand the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) to offer nationally accredited whole-of-home (WoH) tools to enable compliance requirements in the National Construction Code (NCC).

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How to make money from batteries 

How to make money from batteries 

Craig Roussac from Buildings Alive looks at what investing in batteries can mean for building owners in Australia.Saving energy saves money and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This fact has underpinned efficiency programs and driven investment returns for...

Howzat for heat monitoring?! 

Howzat for heat monitoring?! 

Nick Johns-Wickberg discovers how a heat monitoring tool developed by the University of Sydney is playing an important role in local sport. It’s 3:46pm on a Sunday and I’m standing at fine leg in 40°C heat. I’ve just bowled my fourth over on the trot, each ball coming...

Peak powers

Peak powers

Environmental consultant Alan Pears AM makes the case for energy efficiency and emissions ratings that better reflect the impacts of peak demand and seasonal variability. Assessing, rating and regulating building energy use and emissions used to be simple when we were...

A well-deserved shout-out 

A well-deserved shout-out 

AIRAH has recognised the decades-long contributions of several active and engaged members at its NSW President’s Shout event. Associate director of the Institute’s NSW division committee Gary Knox, F.AIRAH, hosted the event. AIRAH President Mikaila Ganado, M.AIRAH,...

Shining stars

Shining stars

The winners of the 2024 AIRAH Awards have been announced at a black-tie gala dinner held at Crown Aviary Melbourne on Thursday, November 21. The awards celebrate outstanding achievements from across Australia’s HVAC&R building services industry. Around 200 guests...

Q&A with Anastasia Alexandrova 

Q&A with Anastasia Alexandrova 

Anastasia Alexandrova, M.AIRAH, was recently awarded her 10-year membership plaque at the 2024 AIRAH WA Members Lunch. We asked her to tell us a bit more about herself and what makes her tick. What is your job title?  Business Development Manager at Turner Engineering...

